American Association of Spanish Timbrado Breeders

Spanish Timbrado Show Contest !!!

01-23-04 Posting

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Arrival of Don Juan Manuel Padilla Cabanas

January 16, 17 in 2004

Congratulation to all who made this Song Contest Show possible!!!

Also to other members who came from Northern California like Kim Kubasek from Arroyo Grande,  Mary Ann and Bob Buckles from Los Angeles,  Francis and Caroline Sumkley from Apple Valley.

Don Juan Manuel Padilla Cabanas from Spain judged by the FOCDE/World Show regulations score sheet.

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As a token of our appreciation and remembrance we awarded Don Juan Manuel Padilla Cabanas with a AASTB clipboard for his bird room.

Association Officers:

David Benites AASTB President.

or call him at: 619-426-8276 (evenings)

David Cummings
AASTB Vice-President

Bea Fout
AASTB Secretary/Band Secretary
6831 El Banquero Place
San Diego, CA 92119

Danny Kashou
AASTB Hotel Coordinator / Shipment of birds

Paul Scandlyn
AASTB Treasurer

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Jose Vizcarra, new member and will co-chair the position of AASTB Secretary with Bea Fout.
                  Welcome Jose!!!

American Association of Spanish Timbrado Breeders (President David Benites; Vice President David Cummings, Secretary Bea Fout and Jose Vizcarra; Treasurer Paul Scandlyn)

We thank you for your interest in keeping and raising the Spanish Timbrado who brings so much joy to our lives!!!

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Timbrados in action being judged by Don Juan Manuel Padilla Cabanas

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Team waiting to be heard


The Team

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From the left, David Benites, Bea Fout, Jose Vizcarra, Juan Manuel Padilla, Danny Kashou and David Cummings.

Here are the winners !!!

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Best Single Young Bird
David Cummings Winner

Best Team Young Bird
Danny Kashou Winner

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Best Single Old Bird
Bea Fout Winner

Best Team Old Bird
David Benites Winner

Song Contest Results

Celebration and Banquet

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Bob and Mary Ann Buckles ACFA President with David Cummings Juan Manuel Padilla Cabanas, David Benites, Jose Vizcarra and Bea Fout
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Donna Flores, R.J. Fout and Maria Koury Edith and David Benites with Danny Kashou


Spanish Timbrado Canaries Singing

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